Maker of Fine Bamboo Fly Rods
I will make any taper and size of bamboo fly rod you desire. Below are a few tapers that I find to be excellent casting rods.
71/2 ft 3pc 3wt
intrudcing a new taper i have developed called the” Gale creek rod” a 3wt for small brooks and streams .a progressive med taper that loads extremely well in close with a full flexing action for very delicate fly presentations. effective out to 40 ft.
price ;standard hex-1095.00 Hollowbuilt 1195.00
7′ 3pc. 4wt.
A rod that is remeniscient of the Granger Wright/ McGill 7633 yet a true 4wt. It is a medium fast dry fly action rod for small streams.comes with choice of reelseat, snake brand guides, agate or nickel silver/hardened alloy stripper.
Price: Standard hex-$1095.00 Hollowbuilt- $1195.00
7′ 9″ 4pc. 5wt
A travel rod that has a medium fast dry fly action. This rod is great for casting dry flies and streamers from 15″ to70 ft. The taper feels uninterrupted by the extra truncated ferrules. Fits into a 24″ tube for ease in air travel. choice of reelseat,snake brand guides, agate or nickel silver/hardened alloy stripper.
Price: Standard hex- $1195.00 Hollowbuilt- $1295.00
Introducing my new 7′ 9″ 3pc. 5wt
It’s designated the “cascade” rod. A progressive tapered rod w/ a med fast action. A great all around trout rod. leader turnover is almost automatic with this rod, it seems to cast itself. upate/i now offer this rod in 7 1/2 ft. as well as 8 ft.
Price: Standard hex- $1095.00 Hollowbuilt- $1195.00
8′ 3pc. 4/5 wt.
This rod is built using the F.E. Thomas “light special” taper.
A medium/Fast action fly rod that casts well from just outside the rod tip, out to 50ft. Just a great all around trout rod for small to med sized streams. Has a beautiful swelled butt, and fine tips. upate/ I now offer this rod in a modified version . I`ve thinned the lower mid and upper butt slightly to make a more full flexing med action rod that is a true 4wt.
Price: Standard hex- $1095.00 Hollowbuilt- $1195.00
All rods come standard with a mill finished aluminum with brass end caps and partitioned bag. all rods have choice of flamed or oven bake spar varnishe finish .Amonia treatment for browntone rods 30.00 extra
Custom orders priced as follows;
2pc. Standard hex- $995.00 Hollowbuilt- $1095.00
3pc. Standard hex- $1095.00 Hollowbuilt- $1195.00
4pc. Standard hex- $1195.00 Hollowbuilt- $1295.00
I also will build ferruled and non ferruled blanks to order.
Hollowbuilt and standard hex:
Ferruled Blanks:
2pc. Standard- 310.00, Hollowbuilt- $385.00
3pc. Standard- 340.00, Hollowbuilt- $420.00
4pc. Standard- 395.00, Hollowbuilt- $480.00
Non Ferruled Blanks:
2pc. Standard- $270.00, Hollowbuilt- $345.00
3pc. Standard- $295.00, Hollowbuilt- $370.00
4pc. Standard- $320.00, Hollowbuilt- $395.00
Get 10% off if you order 3 blanks or more.
30.00 charge for amonia/browntone treated blanks
Please note that I require $200 deposit for finished rod and $100 deposit for blanks.